The services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing program provides specialized support services to individuals who are seeking employment. Our Staff is fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable about communication strategies.
Services include:
- Vocational Evaluation – The evaluation is 8:30 am to noon for two weeks. The evaluation will assess your work skills, abilities and interests. When you’ve completed your evaluation you’ll meet with your ORS Counselor and Goodwill Case Manager, and together you’ll plan your next steps.
- Job Trials – There are two different job trial programs: one is used for evaluation and career exploration allowing you to try a job in a new field. The second places you in a job that we determine is a “good match” for you. This program should lead to a permanent job.
- Case Management – Your Case Manager will guide you through the process and help you find any additional services needed.
- Job Placement – You will learn how to develop a resume, fill out paper and online applications, conduct a job search, answer interview questions, utilize a sign language interpreter during an interview, and maintain a job once hired.
Other Services:
- Interpreter services
- Community work Internships
- Specialized evaluations
- Employment preparation
- Vocational evaluation
- Training in food service
- Training in historic preservation
- Job seeking skills
- Job Development/Coaching
Services provided under WILD:
- Deaf culture/awareness training
- Sign language & skills/techniques
- Assistance in sign language training
- ADA consultation
- Technical assistance with cost effective job analysis, job modifications & tax incentives
After you have worked successfully for three months, ORS will close your case. Your Goodwill Case Manager will do six months of follow-up services including offering your employer and co-workers Beginning Sign Language and Deaf Awareness training. If questions arise, you can call your Goodwill Case Manager at (401) 861-2080 or contact us here.