- Career Exploration
- Based on information gathered from a wide range of sources, we can begin to explore preferences, strengths, and interests about the types of jobs an individual would like to try. Having the opportunity to try the job helps to identify specific needs that will require potential accommodations or modifications in order to be successful on the job.
- Skills that are helpful to maintaining a job can be gained in a variety of ways. Volunteering, trying out a job through work trials and on-the-job training programs can be used to learn more about job expectations and work demands; this knowledge helps to make more informed career choices.
- Our Employment Specialists work with each individual to help them secure a job that meets their needs and is consistent with their strengths, resources, preferences, capabilities, and choice.
- A job coach provides cues, prompts, and feedback in order for individuals to learn their job tasks to the best of their abilities. Depending on one’s skill level, job coaching may need to be more intensive in the beginning but gradually fades over time.
- RI’s first adult project search is a collaboration between Goodwill of Southern New England – RI Campus, Project Search, Office of Rehabilitation Services, Rhode Island Hospital, the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH), and the Department of Labor and Training (DLT). Project Search is a training program for people living with developmental disabilities that helps prepare them for competitive employment.
- Will provide assistance in scheduling a meeting with a Certified Benefits Counselor. Benefits counseling provides current information about disability cash benefits, health insurance, scheduled continuing disability reviews, representative payee, and the impact of earning wages on those benefits. This is a vital planning tool for individuals who are interested in working. It enables individuals to make informed choices about work and supports working beneficiaries to make a successful transition to self-sufficiency.
Skills Training
Customized Employment and Placement Assistance
Job Coaching
Project Search
Benefits Counseling